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  2. IC Pen 2 Client EN
  3. Adding surveys to the system

Adding surveys to the system

The IC Pen system is based on surveys in icpdf format. Such surveys are created in the IC Survey Editor program, more about which is available here. To add a previously prepared survey to the system, click Create form in the main application menu. 
Then follow these steps:

1. Click Open and then select the survey in icpdf from disk.
2. In the Name of entered survey field, enter the name of the survey that will be visible in the system.
3. You can add (remove) tags to the survey in the Tags field (this field is not required and may be left blank).
4. Choose survey language.
5. After completing all the necessary steps you will be able to add the survey to the system.

 Field number 6 informs about all regions that are in the survey. 
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