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  3. Advanced functions in the right hand menu

Advanced functions in the right hand menu

To access advanced form creation functions, you need to open the right hand menu using the button shown in the picture.

Position – shift: use these options to move the region/regions by the indicated value. For example if a region is located at 100,150, typing 10,20 in these fields will result in moving it to 110,170. You can use minus to move regions up and/or left. For example if a region is at 100,150, typing -10,-20 will result in moving it to 90,130.

Size – increase: use these options to change the region’s size by the indicated value. For example if a region’s size is 20 by 20, typing 10,15 in these fields will result in resizing it to 30,35. You can use minus to decrease size.

Generate multiple regions: use this option to automatically generate multiple regions. First indicate the number of regions to create, then their type, size, position of the first region (its top left corner) and offset between them. Click Generate regions to confirm.

Field name / Group name: this option can be used to quickly change the prefix or suffix of the name that are mutual to many regions (e.g. “A1.” in regions named “A1.1”, “A1.2” and so on). If regions are not named yet, you can use this option to generate their names automatically. Just type the mutual part of the name, choose whether to create prefix or suffix (default, starting from 1) and click Generate names. For example type “ASD”, choose prefix and type “11” for the prefix. It will result in creating names “ASD11”, “ASD12”, “ASD13” and so on. For checkboxes you can use the same option to change the Value if checked field.

Meta info: (works with IC Pen Client and higher) these options can be used to change how the recognized data is shown in the client application and how the pen strokes look in the preview (e.g. color, background, formatting, alignment). Apart from that, for text fields (both Open Answer and ABC text) you can also choose the system to force the dictionary which will result in the system to always choose one of the positions found in the dictionary as the recognized text.

Copy regions’ names: by default this option is switched off. When copying regions their names are removed (because they have to be unique). If you want to keep the names for some reason (e.g. to change mutual part) turn this option on.

Automatic region validation: by default this option is switched on. If you are working with a large number of regions, their validation might decrease the performance of the application (the IC Pen Survey Editor 2 will check if regions don’t overlap, if names are unique and so on in real time). To turn off the real time validation, untick this box and click Validate regions from time to time to make sure you’re not making any mistakes. Regions will be validated while entering the form to the system either way.

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