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Basic Functions

To facilitate your work, the IC Pen Survey Editor 2 brought numerous improvements for the user interface. This section covers basic functions similar to those found in many popular computer applications.

Undo/Redo: undo and redo buttons work similarly to the ones found in application such as Office Word or similar. The Undo button erases the last change done in the document while the Redo restores it to the last state before the Undo button was used. To work even faster, you can use standard shortcuts used for these functions: CTRL+Z for Undo and CTRL+Y for Redo

Moving regions. Using your mouse to precisely locate regions on the page can be difficult. To address that issue, now it is also possible to move regions using your keyboard or typing positions by hand in the box shown in the picture (the position applies to the top left corner of the region). The local coordinate system starts in the top right: X increases to the right and Y increases while moving down. To move regions using your keyboard hold CTRL+up/down/left/right arrows to move by 1 point or CTRL+SHIFT+up/down/left/right arrows to move by 15 points. You can hold the arrow button to continuously move the region until you’re satisfied with its position.

Deleting regions. To remove the highlighted region or regions simply use the Delete button on your keyboard.

Resizing regions. Resizing regions works almost the same as moving them. The difference is only the shortcut for resizing. Use SHIFT+up/down/left/right arrows to resize. Top left corner of the region always remains in the same place. Besides that, it is also possible to type the size in the Size box or drag the edges or corners of the region with your mouse.

Highlighting regions. Highlighting regions is very handy when you want to conduct certain action on multiple regions at once. This can be e.g. deleting them, adjusting their position and size, resizing them using shortcut keys, changing names and so on. To highlight regions on by one you can hold the SHIFT key on your keyboard and clicking the regions with the left mouse button. The other option that will be useful if there are many regions located close to each other, is to hold the CTRL button on your keyboard, then click and hold the left mouse button and drag your mouse over the area you want to highlight (the area will become light blue while dragging). After using that option you can still add additional regions to the selection or remove some of them one by one using the first option (SHIFT+LMB).

Moving through regions. When a region is highlighted, you can go to next region by using TAB button on your keyboard or SHIFT+TAB to go the previous one.

User dictionaries. In the text fields (ABC and Open Answer regions) it is possible to specify the text that is most likely to appear in this field. This should improve the recognition quality significantly. To include your own dictionary, tick the Additional dictionary checkbox in the region’s options. Afterwards, either create a new dictionary or open and edit an existing one from your hard drive (*.iclex format). To create a new dictionary simply type one word per line and click Save in the window.

Excel preview. Before you enter the survey to the system, you can see an Excel preview to see if the fields will be exported as you intended. To do that, simply click Preview in Excel and a temporary worksheet will be created and automatically opened in your Excel program (if Excel is not installed on your computer, this function cannot work).

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